Use "millisecond|milliseconds" in a sentence

1. I hesitated a millisecond too long.

2. The basic cycle time was 1.2 milliseconds, and a multiplication could be completed in about 2.16 milliseconds.

3. The value is in milliseconds (e.g. 220.)

4. A millisecond later doesn't bear considering.

5. To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND.

6. Frontal Airbags are deployed in less than 50 milliseconds

7. Your best tapping rate was 004 taps per millisecond.

8. When you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond.

9. Design methods millisecond blasting basic parameters are preliminary investigated.

10. This is a generated clock millisecond delay resulting procedures.

11. A millisecond before and he would have been trapped.

12. Servers would have to sleep and wake at a millisecond rate.

13. It all takes place in a tenth of a millisecond.

14. Well every one of those generations just takes a few milliseconds.

15. Then he vanished again and stood, in the same millisecond, at Jonathan's shoulder.

16. Continuous sound waves are digitized by taking "snapshots" of their amplitudes every few milliseconds.

17. Device lag is if there's any number of milliseconds to actually process the event.

18. An Aperiodic job A1 arrives at time 2 with a length of 1 millisecond

19. Corresponding wave peaks were seen at Livingston seven milliseconds before they arrived at Hanford.

20. All other radioisotopes have half-lives under 20 seconds, most less than 200 milliseconds.

21. Capacitative voltage divider for measuring high voltage pulses with a millisecond pulse duration

22. Breathy voiced nasals in the spectrograms is the visually well-defined nasal-to-vowel transition characteristic of the modal voiced nasal (at about 130 milliseconds) but not the Breathy voiced nasal (at about 150 milliseconds)

23. This is the time in milliseconds between repeated motion events for mouse key acceleration.

24. (Wilkes 1956:20 states that a division with a 10 digit quotient required 6 milliseconds.)

25. Our Controllers can be customized on the fly to any game, providing game-changing milliseconds.

26. Within milliseconds, this information zips through pathways and is processed into a single moment.

27. Perfect for optimizing performance of specific applications or even games where every millisecond saved counts!

28. At the human level, timing in milliseconds is necessary for speech control, playing music and dancing.

29. Factors influencing power quality vary from the electric pulse in millisecond to long term voltage fluctuation.

30. A case of demolishing a reinforced concrete dual ditch by millisecond water - pressure blasting is introduced.

31. Nickel is electrochemical micromachininged using nanosecond pulse power , millisecond pulse power and direct current power.

32. The engineering practice and the numerical simulation the millisecond blasting for ditching deep bore hole.

33. The racquet is facing the target for only a millisecond and then goes off line.

34. The device in a matter of milliseconds reduces the gain or the volume that the amplifier provides.

35. The pulsar is a member of the slowly growing class of millisecond pulsars with low-mass companions.

36. The centre engine started first and then the opposite pairs fired up at 300 millisecond intervals.

37. The program executes # jobs in # threads. Each job waits for a random number of milliseconds between # and

38. Isotopes: Copernicium has one isotope whose half-live is known, 277 Cn, with a half-life of 0.24 milliseconds.

39. It adjusts itself to road conditions, switching each shock absorber from firm to soft in just 150 milliseconds.

40. This produced atoms of Copernicium-277, an isotope with a half-life of about 0.24 milliseconds (0.00024 seconds).

41. In the standard formation model, millisecond pulsars are formed when a neutron star accretes matter from an evolving companion.

42. 6 It adjusts itself to road conditions, switching each shock absorber from firm to soft in just 150 milliseconds.

43. In a common long-distance network environment, the bandwidth is about 1M and the latency is about 100 milliseconds.

44. Within less than 1 millisecond the steep- fronted shock wave has traveled some distance ahead of the isothermal region.

45. 24 In the standard formation model, millisecond pulsars are formed when a neutron star accretes matter from an evolving companion.

46. If I strike at a 43.6 degree angle at a velocity of one centimeter per millisecond with a G Force...

47. Within a millisecond after detonation, the diameter of the fireball from a 1 megaton (Mt) air burst is 150 m.

48. This is the time (in milliseconds) between the initial key press and the first repeated motion event for mouse key acceleration.

49. All radioisotopes are short-lived, the longest-lived being 6 He with a half-life of 7002806700000000000♠806.7 milliseconds.

50. It is possible to detect individual pulses from this millisecond pulsar with high signal-to-noise ratio in unbroken trains.

51. If the entire index is in main storage, the correct cylinder to search is located in well under a millisecond.

52. Present location of the Arrestee can be checked at selected time intervals of several hundred milliseconds to thousands of seconds, as desired

53. Taking the multifunction digital millisecond meter for example, how to design the system-monitoring program based on status analysis is presented.

54. One attack was able to obtain an entire AES key after only 800 operations triggering encryptions, in a total of 65 milliseconds.

55. However, in doing so, it will protect the primary contact from arcing, so a low contact resistance will be established a millisecond later.

56. Decodes IMBE 144-bit and Ambe 72-bit encoded 20 millisecond audio frames to 8 kHz 16-bit mono PCM encoded audio

57. When the chameleon strikes, the pent-up energy can be released in just 20 milliseconds, accelerating the tongue pad forward” to snare its lunch.

58. So for example, in a power plant, when your big steam turbine gets too over speed, you must open relief valves within a millisecond.

59. But we design tasks on the computer where we can measure, to millisecond accuracy, how good they are at switching from one task to another.

60. Chronobiology is the biology of time and internal biological clocks. Biological clocks range from oscillations found in nerve cells on the millisecond scale to …

61. As per regulation, Airbags for side protection have to be fully inflated within 15 milliseconds, which is eight times faster than the blink of an eye.

62. Most gamma-ray emitting sources are actually gamma-ray bursts, objects which only produce gamma radiation for a few milliseconds to thousands of seconds before fading away.

63. Subsequent to this, other objects with similar features have been discovered, and the name has been applied to the class of millisecond pulsars with an ablating companion.

64. Acyclic data is still reliable for machine control, it is just delivered in a less deterministic way (on the order of milliseconds, sometimes up to several seconds)

65. So for that millisecond, or however long it takes you to react, you're still pushing, and that unbalanced force causes an acceleration, and that is the plunge.

66. The specification required the fuse to open at a certain percentage over its nominal rating within a certain number of milliseconds over a range of temperatures, as well as after shock and vibrations.

67. Credit: Bojun Wang, Jinchen Jiang & Qisheng Cui Fast radio Bursts, or FRBs—powerful, millisecond-duration radio waves coming from deep space outside the Milky Way Galaxy—have been among the most

68. Funny thing, that round trip around the globe took 20 milliseconds less than it takes for that brainstorm to leave its head, the head of the monkey, and reach its own muscle.

69. We're looking at millimeter accuracy with regard to spatial and millisecond accuracy using 306 SQUIDs -- these are superconducting quantum interference devices -- to pick up the magnetic fields that change as we do our thinking.

70. The secondary objectives are the construction of a continuous drag-free and attitude-control system using electric propulsion units and the measurement of the accelerations on board the satellite to an accuracy greater than # milliseconds (ms

71. The secondary objectives are the construction of a continuous drag-free and attitude-control system using electric propulsion units and the measurement of the accelerations on board the satellite to an accuracy greater than 10-12 milliseconds (ms)-2.

72. Welcome to Arras-mayhem, where every tank's reload speed is tuned up by a lot! Have fun blowing up your enemies with an Annihilator that shoots every millisecond! The NPCs AI contolled tanks that may or may not try to kill you

73. ‘Courage,’ he, however, Accommodatingly threw out, ‘is what YOU have.’’ ‘And Pentecostals, flattered by a little unaccustomed acceptance, may Accommodatingly give up their vision.’ ‘The visor of each blast helmet in the pod darkened Accommodatingly within three milliseconds to avoid temporary blindness, but each member of the

74. Now, with the aid of slow-motion video footage, Dutch researchers have discovered that a mere 200 milliseconds before its tongue strikes, “a chameleon uses the accelerator muscle to spring-load energy into the intralingual sheathes, packing them into one another like sections of a telescope.